Friendship bracelets are special bracelets Friendship bracelets are special bracelets. As a symbol of friendship these bracelets are given from one friend to another. The amount of thread used in bracelets can vary. They are handmade and usually made out of embroidery floss or thread. Thicker bracelets are commonly worn by both male and female surfers. There are various styles and patterns, but most are based on the same simple half-hitch knot.They are particularly popular with pre-teen and adolescent girls and with present-day hippies, deadheads or Rainbow Family participants. The smallest pattern, a double chain knot, requires two strings. The making of friendship bracelets is a version of macrame. Because of their versatility, they are worn by both males and females of all ages. The candystripe can have as few as three strings and as many as forty, based on pattern and thickness. A perfect diamond has no flaws A perfect diamond has no flaws. In valuing diamond, Diamond clarity is one of the important features. Most of the 20 percent that are gemstone quality still have significant flaws. An inclusion is a type of flaw that occurs within the internal characteristics of a diamond. The others are cut, caret, and color. So, when it comes to diamond clarity it is considered a flaw.Only 20 percent of diamonds mined are good enough to be used as gemstones. Diamonds are categorized as Flawless, Very Slightly Included, Slightly Included, Internally Flawless, and Included. Within these categories, there are grades. The rest are relegated to industrial use. When magnified under a 10x microscope, The Flawless diamond is, well, flawless. The flaws may even be visible to the naked eye and are considered Included You’ll pay a pretty penny for superior diamond clarity. Necklaces decorated with diamonds are loved by many people Diamond heart necklaces with snake chains and white gold heart shaped necklace with diamond accent are charming and beautiful. Diamond necklaces set in 18k pure gold and platinum are quite popular.Across the globe Cross necklaces decorated with diamonds are loved by many people. Many designs can be found in this category including gemstone necklaces complemented with tiny diamonds. Some of these necklaces are decorated with vibrant colored gemstones to improve their appearance. They can be given as precious jewelry articles to the brides-to-be.