Today's beaded bracelets are traditional In Africa silver bracelets was the most popular. Today's beaded bracelets are traditional but also may include ceramic globes, gemstones and even beads made from recycled magazines. Ancient Andean peoples became fine jewellers, and Chavin culture masterpieces still inspire Peru's contemporary designers.Our talented and trained customer service representatives are standing by now to help you find the perfect jewelry for any occasion. In Mexico, the Mixtecs crafted superb silver bracelets. 100% Satisfaction guaranteed. We want you to be completely satisfied with your purchase. For any reason contact us to return it hassle free. 100% Secure Shopping - Your privacy and security is of upmost importance to us. A gemstone is a stone that is beautiful A gemstone is a stone that is beautiful, rare, and durable resistant to abrasion. Today, finer gemstone specimens are available to the average person than at any time in history.Nowadays such a distinction is no longer made by the trade. Rare or unusual gemstones, generally meant to include those gemstones which occur so infrequently in gem quality that they are scarcely known except to connoisseurs, include andalusite, cassiterite and bixbite. Some minerals can be very beautiful, but they may be too soft and will scratch easily (such as the mineral fluorite). Fluorite is extremely colorful and pretty but has a hardness of only 4 on the hardness scale and has four perfect cleavage directions, which makes it only an oddity as a cut gem. Diamonds are in many colors The color range of diamonds is amazing and has all the shades from light pink to deep pink, yellow to brown, indigo to dark purple, hues of green and blue. In the past, the brown diamonds were considered to be of lesser value than the other colors because jewellers did not think that consumers would find them attractive. If you are interested in buying your first diamond, you have joined the millions of people who appreciate the beauty of this beloved gemstone.While diamonds exist in every imaginable color, some colors are more common than others. However, thanks to a few clever designers, brown diamonds are currently one of the most popular trends in the jewelry industry. One of the reasons why brown diamonds are so popular is that they will coordinate with almost any type of outfit. They are also elegant enough to be worn with eveningwear, and casual enough to go with a pair of blue jeans. The blue diamond is another popular variety. As a result, they have a much higher price than the brown and yellow variants.