Nothing is possibly comparable to handmade silver jewellery Necklace, bangles, bracelet, pendants, rings, earrings and pin are the most universal form of handmade sterling silver ornaments. Sterling silver ornament is decorated by engraving, embossing, etching and filigree, by application of enamel, mosaic, gems, semi precious stones and glass.This jewellery is decorated by engraving, embossing, etching and filigree, by application of enamel, mosaic, gems, semi-precious stones and glass. Handmade silver jewellery is intriguing in its form and captivating in its beauty. Innovative and rare master art, these are the combination of the delicately crafted patterns of the silver with modern outlook creating an enchanting aesthetic. The silver goes through a number of processes, like carving, enameling, filigree etc., and giving expression to the craftsman's skills. How Durable is My Gemstone Jewellery? First of all a note about the hardness and therefore relative durability of gemstones. To measure hardness, the jewellery industry uses the Mohs scale. This gem-trade standard, conceived by Friedrich Mohs in 1812, measures the ability of a gem or mineral to resist abrasion damage.Diamond at 10 is the hardest whereas talc at 1 is the softest. Popular gemstones like amethyst and citrine register 7 whereas rubies and sapphires register 9. Most of us come off the beach on the first day with the 3 s’s all achieved - rings caked in sand, sea-salt and suntan lotion. Nude sunbathing, as far as silver and gold jewellery is concerned, is a must! Remember also that sand will scratch the surface of precious metals. Diamonds are in many colors The color range of diamonds is amazing and has all the shades from light pink to deep pink, yellow to brown, indigo to dark purple, hues of green and blue. In the past, the brown diamonds were considered to be of lesser value than the other colors because jewellers did not think that consumers would find them attractive. If you are interested in buying your first diamond, you have joined the millions of people who appreciate the beauty of this beloved gemstone.While diamonds exist in every imaginable color, some colors are more common than others. However, thanks to a few clever designers, brown diamonds are currently one of the most popular trends in the jewelry industry. One of the reasons why brown diamonds are so popular is that they will coordinate with almost any type of outfit. They are also elegant enough to be worn with eveningwear, and casual enough to go with a pair of blue jeans. The blue diamond is another popular variety. As a result, they have a much higher price than the brown and yellow variants.