Glass bangles, husband and luck Often you will see Indian women wearing huge armfuls of glass bangles, even while doing day-to-day chores. It is said that bangles bring safety and luck to ones husband. If a woman breaks glass bangles especially a large amount of them her husband is in danger.With all that power a woman and her bangles wield, a husband better be on his best behavior if he knows what's good for him! This traditional Indian holiday is a celebration. The smaller the bangles around your wrist, the less likely they are to break. Many Indian women participate in every year that honors their husbands and their god-sisters. A colorless diamond is expensive. If the bride-to-be is fashion conscious, then you can impress her with emerald cut shapes of diamond. For a distinct impression of the diamond its shape should be especially considered. But with some inclusions the prices of diamonds fall substantially while the glitter is almost the same.If the couples can afford only a low priced diamond than go for shallow cuts, which do not involve much costs. Know that round brilliant diamonds are most popular with the brides as the shape is attractive and luminous. For a low budget couple, less than one carat size diamonds are suitable and it can be adequately set for a larger appearance. But a unique heart shape diamond solitaire engagement ring or a marquise shape also are perfect. A gemstone is a stone that is beautiful A gemstone is a stone that is beautiful, rare, and durable resistant to abrasion. Today, finer gemstone specimens are available to the average person than at any time in history.Nowadays such a distinction is no longer made by the trade. Rare or unusual gemstones, generally meant to include those gemstones which occur so infrequently in gem quality that they are scarcely known except to connoisseurs, include andalusite, cassiterite and bixbite. Some minerals can be very beautiful, but they may be too soft and will scratch easily (such as the mineral fluorite). Fluorite is extremely colorful and pretty but has a hardness of only 4 on the hardness scale and has four perfect cleavage directions, which makes it only an oddity as a cut gem.