History of culture behind these beautiful accessories There is a history of culture behind these beautiful accessories when we look at bangles and beads it reminds us. Beads took many forms. Bangles and bead necklaces were worn by both men and women.When the remains of Harappa & Mohenjodaro of the Tamil civilisation were discovered, beads and bangles were found. The reason for holding this conclusively was that they were similar to the designs of Mesopotamia & Iran. A lot of bangles in old times were made from dangly coins and Islamic half moons. They were on necklaces and bracelets. But carnelian beads were worn exclusively by women. The color is the greatest difference in the metals The color is the greatest difference in the metals. The elements which include over one hundred known minerals are a diverse class when taken as a whole. The non metals are extremely diverse. Due to the diversity of the non metals subclass there is most of this diversity. The non-metals include some elements known as semi-metals who share some properties with metals but differ in other characteristics. The hardest mineral known to man is from this subclass, as well as one of the softest. The Metals Subclass and related metal alloys contains metals whose properties are rather similar due to the common way in which they crystallize and bond. Information about Silver Jewellery Silver Jewelry can be found at every place and it is classified as precious or it can be non-precious. It could be any style piece from a necklace to earrings to a brooch to a bracelet. Some silver Jewellery can have precious and semi-precious stones. But, for the most part, it is all about the collector and what they personally like to collect. These types of ornaments are mostly marked.Many different collectors create and maintain a person website describing what they personally collect and enjoy. The non-precious style is known as costume Jewellery. This antique term should only apply to pieces that are, at the very least 50 years old or more. Another aspect that well will discuss is the fake Jewellery aspects. Up to the costume Jewellery is concerned many collectors have sprung onto the collecting scene in recent days.